So yesterday was one of my few days off in the month of March (cue violins playing sad song ...) and it was, by all appearances, a beautiful spring day! It was a little bit chilly, but that doesn't keep a stir-crazy, outside-loving, energy-filled 2 year old from wanting to play at the park! So, we bundled up and headed out to East Lake Park. We swang, played in the sand, went down the slides, and climbed on the "wadders" several times each. As the excitement over the playground waned, we set out for what I intended to be a quick walk on the trails. Well, an hour later, I was carrying Ella on my shoulders, pushing a sleeping Brynn in the stroller, and carrying an arm load of treasures from our "adventure". Ella and Brynn and I hiked all the way around the lake ... not that far, but quite a feat for a 2 year old! She found acorns, cockleburs, walnuts, chime-pons (pinecones), sticks, and all kinds of leaves.
The best quote of the day, approximately noon, we were two-thirds of the way around the lake, Ella is lagging behind and says to me, "momma, I just lay down in the grass and go to sweep (sleep)". You think I wore her out?! It was glorious!
On a loosely related side note: She and Brynn both slept in until 9 o'clock this morning. Of course, I'd been out of the house and at work for better than 3 hours at that point (insert second refrain of sad song here). But Tim got a nice, sleep-in sort of Saturday. I can count the number of times they've both slept that late on one finger.
Up until 2 years ago we were a happily married couple busy with work, friends, church stuff and triathlons! Now we are a happy, albeit sleep deprived, family busy with diapers, midnight binkie retrieval and feedings and mounds of laundry! We love Steelers football, Iowa Hawkeyes, traveling to see our family, and our church - New London Christian Church. We have 2 beautiful little girls, Ella and Brynn.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Cake, Cake, Cake!!
Here are some pictures of the girls at Brynn's birthday party on Saturday. They both loved the cake ... and actually it was one of the most impressive 1st birthday cakes I've seen! This wonderful lady (who made both my wedding cake and my sister's) made Brynn's cake. It was going to be small and cute, but she wanted to use it to make an instructional/how-to type video for cake decorating, so it had to be 3 tiers. So, she threw in the extra tier for free! As a bonus, we got to sample 3 different flavors of cake, and they were all delicious. Thanks, Kathy! You're the best. Check her out at
She is so talented, and is just a really nice person too!
So ... without further ado ... here's the cake...
We had a wonderful day for Brynn's party. Thanks to all the family and friends who came to celebrate! I'll post more pictures of the birthday girl when I get them organized!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!
It is really hard for me to believe that my baby girl is one already! Sweet little Brynn Elizabeth was born March 16, 2009 at 9:30 pm. She was the perfect addition to our young family, and it has been a joy to watch her grow. She is a happy baby with a charming smile that wrinkles her nose. She has a very tender heart, and gets her feelings hurt easily. She adores her big sister Ella, and wants to be where Ella is. She does not want to miss anything. Playing next to momma, daddy or Ella is her favorite place to be. She is crawling all over the place now, and wants to walk really badly, but she's not quite brave enough yet. She is a binkie baby, but only needs it at bedtime these days. Just a couple of weeks ago she started talking more and more and now says "mama, dada, Ella, Deke, this, more, and hi." Peek a boo and 'ride-a-little-horsey' are hilarious in her world! She has a slightly mesmerizing attachment to her blankie, and within seconds of it being in her hands she will lay down on it and close her eyes... even if she was just up playing. Its like she cannot resist its sleep-inducing-powers! She will grin and clap anytime she hears music start playing. She gives the best open mouth kisses called an "a-wah" because she always makes this hysterical "a-wah" sound as she plants one on ya!
Brynn weighs in at 23 pounds, but I am not sure yet how long she is! She has always trend at the top of the growth chart just like her big sissy! I wish I could just bottle her up and keep her a baby forever. These days go by so fast. But, I know that part of the blessing of being a mommy is learning to hold on to these babies with an open hand and allowing them to grow, learn, explore and blossom.
Thank you, God, for the awesome privilege being momma to Brynn and Ella. I love them more than words can express. My heart just bursts every time my mind turns to them. May I be found worthy of this high calling. I love you, Brynnie. Happy Birthday, baby girl.

Brynn weighs in at 23 pounds, but I am not sure yet how long she is! She has always trend at the top of the growth chart just like her big sissy! I wish I could just bottle her up and keep her a baby forever. These days go by so fast. But, I know that part of the blessing of being a mommy is learning to hold on to these babies with an open hand and allowing them to grow, learn, explore and blossom.
Thank you, God, for the awesome privilege being momma to Brynn and Ella. I love them more than words can express. My heart just bursts every time my mind turns to them. May I be found worthy of this high calling. I love you, Brynnie. Happy Birthday, baby girl.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Let's Try This Again
Hi Friends!!
So, I have officially shut down the former blog, and I'm going to try to keep one here updated.
Don't expect much out of me in March, because I have just started a new job, and I haven't yet finished at my current one! So, March is pretty much going to be crazy around here ... but I know we'll get through it just fine!
I am hopeful that I can start/continue to capture the busy life that we are so enjoying with our two sweet girlies, and all of the funny, (sometimes naughty) things they say, do and learn. I am hopeful that I can share my heart, and what I am learning about being a better wife, friend, mom, sister, daughter, PA and follower of Christ. And I am hopeful that we can enjoy the journey together.
And just for fun, I'll include a cute picture of my*almost* one-year-old! Where has the time gone?!
So, I have officially shut down the former blog, and I'm going to try to keep one here updated.
Don't expect much out of me in March, because I have just started a new job, and I haven't yet finished at my current one! So, March is pretty much going to be crazy around here ... but I know we'll get through it just fine!
I am hopeful that I can start/continue to capture the busy life that we are so enjoying with our two sweet girlies, and all of the funny, (sometimes naughty) things they say, do and learn. I am hopeful that I can share my heart, and what I am learning about being a better wife, friend, mom, sister, daughter, PA and follower of Christ. And I am hopeful that we can enjoy the journey together.
And just for fun, I'll include a cute picture of my*almost* one-year-old! Where has the time gone?!
I love broccoli!!
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